Howdy folks!
Maybe one day you’ll pull off for the night from an old logging road and find nothing at all.
No rock rings or ripped-up trees. No bottle caps or bits of glass. No signs of man save for the road, which seems little more than an oversized game trail.

You're closer to when you came from. A time when our species didn't shape the land, but instead were shaped by it.
You find a wild place like this, and it seems out of sync with time. It knows nothing of spreadsheets, zoom calls, or your car’s extended warranty. It takes you back to your roots.
If you’re lucky, your spot will stay this way for many years to come. But if you or someone else messes with it, cuts it up, or simply builds a rock ring, well...
A rock ring is like a billboard saying, “Camp Here!”
Once it's built, things start to accumulate around it. Ashes. Words scratched into rocks and trees. Yellow oozing stumps where branches used to be. All kinds of trash.
You come back, clean it up, scatter the rocks. But others rebuild the ring. This place is now known. It's moving away from wild-ness, and traveling toward the cultivated world you came here to escape.
Whatever brought you here, this is to watch. But if it's your hunting camp, it's devastating. You'll wonder how much farther you'll have to hike for game, and if the constant pressure will keep them away for good.
So how do you keep these things from happening?

If your goal is to keep a wild place the same as how you found it, then for the love of Pete, don’t be the one to change it. Don’t dig it up or rearrange it.
Instead, be a ghost. Enjoy your time there for all it’s worth, and when you leave, vanish without a trace.
The HOWL makes ghost camping easy. There’s no rock ring to dismantle or ashes to bury. Nothing to clean up, hide, put back, or fill in.
Of course that’s true of all propane fires, but the others make you suffer in the cold. While the HOWL pumps out soul-warming heat, so you can really stay out there, soaking the place in.
Then, when it's time, you simply disappear. Like a ghost.
Want a tool for keeping wild places wild? Check out the HOWL R4.